Interested in taking your next steps at our church? God is greater and better than anything else in life and part of God’s plan for you is that you “grow up in your salvation.” One of our greatest desires is to be a place where other believers can walk alongside you in your faith journey. Let The Grove help you take the next step in your faith.
Salvation happens when you place your hope, faith and trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and the salvation of your soul. Salvation is God’s free gift to anyone who believes. No one can make up for their sin through their own good works. Only by turning to Jesus and believing that he lived the life we couldn’t live, died the the death we all deserved, and rose victoriously from the grave to demonstrate his power over death and sin can we receive eternal life. Have you placed your faith in Jesus? Will you follow him today?
Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. It is a testimony of faith in the final resurrection of the dead. Click to learn more about what we believe about baptism. If you are seeking to be baptized we ask you to do 3 things:
PRAY: Continue to seek the Lord as he calls you to publicly declare your faith via believer’s baptism.
COMPLETE OUR BAPTISM FORM: Complete our baptism form and a church leader will contact you to discuss details and schedule a date to celebrate your public declaration of faith.
LEARN ABOUT THE GROVE: When you are baptized at The Grove you are also joining us in membership. When a leader contacts you, you’ll be able to ask questions and learn about the history of our church and what we are about. When you join you’ll be expected to lock arms with us as we seek to accomplish the mission, vision and purpose the Lord has called us to.
Interested in membership? We would love to lock arms with you! At The Grove we are constantly inviting others to join us in investing their time, talent and treasure in this local body of believers. When you join us as a member of The Grove you are committing to a spiritual family that will provide support, accountability and encouragement. You can enroll in our membership class if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior and are baptized by immersion into our fellowship, by statement if you have already professed faith in Christ and have been baptized by immersion or by letter of transfer if you are coming from another church of like faith. If you are seeking to join The Grove we ask you to do 3 things:
PRAY: Continue to seek the Lord’s direction and guidance as he moves you to join our church in membership.
COMPLETE OUR MEMBERSHIP FORM: Complete our membership form and a church leader will contact you.
ATTEND OUR MEMBERSHIP CLASS: At our class you’ll be able to ask questions and learn about the history of our church and what we are about. When you join you’ll be expected to lock arms with us as we seek to accomplish the mission, vision and purpose the Lord has called us to.
At The Grove we believe that we are better because of the those who volunteer and serve in our different ministries. Volunteering and serving is an extension and overflow of discipleship. One of the ways we pursue and live out this discipleship trait is through volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in serving at The Grove we ask you to do 3 things:
PRAY: Ask the Lord where he would have you serve and get plugged in.
GIFTS ASSESSMENT: Take a quick Spiritual Gifts Assessment. This assessment will allow you to discover what areas you are gifted in and will be a great tool to connect you in ministry.
COMPLETE OUR MINISTRY FORM: Complete our ministry form and one of our ministry leaders will contact you about serving.
When you grow in your faith, part of that growth is sharing your story with others. It means doing life with the people around you, sitting across the dinner table and enjoying gospel conversations, chatting at the tee-ball game, and offering a hug or high five at the grocery store. Life change doesn’t stop with you. You are called by God to invite people into HIS story. Click the link below for a quick lesson on how to share your story and invite others to receive and celebrate the gospel.